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Newsletter from September to November 2023

Single Digital Gateway instructions for e-services

On our new website, you can now find instructions on

  1. the SDG regulation’s requirements for authorities
  2. enabling the use of services across borders
  3. connecting e-services to the OOTS.

We will later produce instructions on the production of information and organisation of problem-solving services in accordance with the SDG regulation and on the connection of a database to the OOTS.

Read the instructions here.

SDG Proof of Concept Pilots project completed

The project between the Nordic and Baltic countries ended at the end of June.

The objectives of the project were achieved and the results benefit the participating countries concretely, for example

  • The evidence request service component developed by Finland has been made available to other countries
  • The open-source version of the Swedish preview service component is now also available for use by other countries.

Cooperation has continued since the end of the project. The results of the project were presented at the CBDS Seminar in Copenhagen in November.

Read more about the project.

SDG Seminar 2023

SDG Seminar 2023 was successfully organised on 4 October 2023, and the preliminary feedback on the seminar has been good. Thanks again to all performers and participants!

Read more about the seminar.

Projectathon #3

From 18 to 20 October 2023, the Digital Single Market team participated in the latest OOTS testing event, Projectathon #3.

The testing event was gamified, and the event was won by Italy. Finland ranked sixth.

Read more about all Projectathons in 2023.

Government proposal on the exchange of information between authorities

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is preparing a government proposal on the implementation of the SDG regulation. Its objective is to clarify the division of responsibilities between authorities and their roles when Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 on the Single Digital Gateway fully enters into force. The regulation itself does not require complementary national legislation, but there has been a need for national legislation clarifying the legal position in the preparation of the regulation’s implementation.